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Vivacy e-learning platform gets a makeover
Vivacy Laboratories UK

Vivacy e-learning platform gets a makeover

VIVACY LEARN has been replaced by VIVACY ACADEMY.



This free learning platform, created in 2017, is 100% dedicated to Medical Professionals who are interested in STYLAGE® Dermal Fillers & DESIRIAL® injectable intimate gels. VIVACY was one of the first dermal filler band on the market to launch an educational platform online, and the core ambition was to ensure safety while injecting by making medical guidance accessible anywhere, anytime.

VIVACY Academy include a couple of new features which will highly benefit practitioners:

– A personalised, Netflix-like platform

It is now easier to filter your topics of interest. An algorithm will suggest content matching your preferences. Ideal for busy practitioners looking for a specific indication or treatment plan.

– More professional developmental opportunities

An agenda of all the international events VIVACY will attend is now available to found to about future live demos and symposiums. A specific portal for the S.A.F.E. training agenda is also available for any medical practitioner who wants to enrol for this ground-breaking approach to aesthetics training. Finally, all the scientific literature relevant to VIVACY products is accessible there for free.

– A wide variety of contents provided

VIVACY Academy offers 100+ videos of injections and webinars commented by different international experts, to match the different learning styles, levels, and interests of our VIVACY community.

If you have not subscribed to VIVACY ACADEMY yet, come and discover its new look at https://vivacy-academy.com/.

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